Mission Statement
Your lawyer is your advocate, your voice in court, and your guide through the complexities of the legal system. It is imperative you feel confident that your lawyer is qualified, compassionate and working for you.
At the Law Offices of Adam M. Thomspon, P.C., we have fostered a commitment to client services in both our criminal practice and our civil practice. We know that whether you have been accused of a crime or are suing for compensation after a terrible injury, the outcome of the case can shape the rest of your life. We have made a commitment to provide the type of legal representation you deserve when the stakes are so high. Our commitment to every client is to provide aggressive representation tailored to your needs and designed to achieve the very best possible outcome for you. Please read more about our mission below.

Criminal Defense
At the Law Offices of Adam M. Thompson, P.C., we consider it an honor and a privilege to represent clients from all walks of life who have found themselves to be the target of a criminal investigation. Being charged with a crime is a life-changing experience and should never be taken lightly. We understand that when you retain our office to represent you in your case, you are trusting us to aggressively and compassionately defend you throughout the prosecution of your case. We take this responsibility seriously.
In the United States, our justice system is founded on the principle that an accused is innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Furthermore, the prosecution bears the burden of proving guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. At the Law Offices of Adam M. Thompson, P.C. we are committed to ensuring that the prosecutor is held to that standard in every case. Guilt or innocence is not for us to decide. Every client that walks through our office is innocent until proven guilty by a court of law.
We believe that every person accused of a crime is entitled to a vigorous and aggressive defense. Whether you are charged with a minor misdemeanor or a capital offense, we understand that the outcome of your case is important to you and your family. With this in mind, we leave no stone unturned and no avenue left unexplored in your defense.
As your defense team, our job is not to prove you innocent. We are not required to do that. Instead, our job is to prevent the prosecutor from proving your guilt. Contrary to what many people believe, these are not interchangeable concepts. For the prosecutor to be successful, each and every element of the offense with which you have been charged must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt to the judge or jury. We know the prosecution is working hard to make sure that happens, which is why we work even harder to make sure it does not happen.
As an accused, you have a variety of rights guaranteed to you by the United States Constitution. Among those rights are the right to a trial by a jury of your peers, the right to confront and cross examine witnesses against you, and the right against self-incrimination. Each one of these fundamental rights is important to ensuring that an accused has a fair trial. At the Law Offices of Adam M. Thompson, P.C., we zealously guard the rights of our clients throughout the prosecution of your case and beyond because we believe these rights are critical to our judicial system.

Civil Cases
The civil justice system in the United States allows a person who has been harmed to use the legal system to recover compensation for damages and losses. A person who files a civil lawsuit has the burden of proving he is entitled to receive monetary compensation. If he can prove that the defendant wronged him in a way that he can be compensated for, the victim is entitled to be "made whole."
At the Law Offices of Adam M. Thompson, P.C., we are firmly committed to ensuring that every victim of an accident receives the full and fair compensation available under the law. Victims may file a civil lawsuit and take legal action after an airline accident; a civil rights violation; a construction accident; medical malpractice; a motor vehicle collision; injury on a dangerous premises; or injury due to a defective product. A personal injury can change your life, whether you are the victim or whether the injury causes the loss of a family member. We believe that you deserve justice. While nothing can undo the harm to your life and your family, you should receive the monetary compensation you need to move forward and build a future.
In any personal injury case, victims must prove the defendant was negligent or failed to fulfill a legal duty. We are committed to using the legal system to hold individuals and companies accountable if they do not live up to their obligations to keep others safe. Society works only if everyone takes responsibility for their actions, and the civil justice system both helps you get compensation for failures and helps to deter future bad behavior that could lead to others being hurt. A personal injury lawyer fulfills an important role within the civil justice system and we work hard to live up to the trust you place in us after an accident or injury. We are not afraid to stand up to big insurance companies and large corporations on your behalf.
When you prove your case, you do not have to prove that the defendant was liable beyond a reasonable doubt. In a personal injury claim, the standard of proof is preponderance of the evidence. This means that more likely than not the defendant did not live up to a legal duty. Despite the lesser standard, we take every injury investigation seriously. Our personal injury team will be there at every step, from obtaining police reports to interviewing witnesses to engaging experts, to put together the most compelling case possible.
Adam Thompson is a litigator ready to present your evidence to a jury to make your case. After many injuries, however, insurance companies or defendants are willing to settle without going to court. We consider it an important part of our mission to represent your interests with insurers and to do our best to negotiate a fair settlement so you don't have to go to court unless you want to. We know insurance companies don't always have your best interests at heart and we shield you from the stress of dealing with pressure, tricks and dishonest tactics from an insurer.
As a personal injury firm, ultimately our commitment is to make it as easy as possible for you to use the civil justice system to get compensation at a time of great upheaval in your life. We will handle all of your legal concerns so you can focus on rebuilding after the injury or accident.

Choosing the right attorney to represent you will likely be one of the most important decisions you ever make.
Choose wisely. Choose an attorney who is passionate enough to care about each individual client and skilled enough to take on even the most seasoned opponents in the courtroom. Choose an attorney who understands what is at stake and who is dedicated to representing you because he truly believes in the concept of justice. Choose attorney Adam Thompson.
Raw Law
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