A man looking through a window

If you or anyone close to you was sexually abused as a minor by a member of a California institution you should speak with an attorney as soon as possible.

breaking news

New law opens window for child sex abuse lawsuits in California

a image outline of the state of California Survivors of childhood sexual assault will have more time to report abuse allegations and file lawsuits under a new law signed by California Gov. Gavin Newsom.

The law has been heralded by advocates of childhood assault survivors as a new opportunity for now-adult survivors to find justice and closure, in some cases decades after experiencing abuse and trauma at institutions such as schools, churches and other youth-serving organizations.

Currently, survivors must file a lawsuit either by age 26 or, if already an adult, within three years of having realized their psychological injury or illness was caused by childhood abuse, whichever comes later. Assembly Bill 218 now increases the statute of limitation to age 40, and gives adult survivors who have recently discovered their abuse five years to sue.

Under the law, survivors also have a three-year “look-back window” starting in January 2020 in which sexual abuse claims that have since passed the statute of limitations can be pursued. Courts will also be allowed to triple the amount of damages awarded to a victim if there was an attempted cover-up.

Recent investigations have uncovered sexual abuse occurring across a wide range of institutions like, hospitals, schools, universities, sports programs, Catholic and non-Catholic clergy.

No type of abuse should ever be tolerated. Regrettably, a majority of survivors do not report their offenders for a variety of reasons. Sexual abuse survivors are also often reluctant to discuss their abuse – even years later. Know that our attorneys are here to help. We are experienced in sexual abuse claims and are willing and prepared to assist and support sexual assault survivors by asserting their legal rights and fighting for fair and just compensation for them.

If you were abused as a minor in a place that should have provided a safe environment, like a school or church:


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child holding thier head

Survivors of sexual assault can experience long lasting effects on both their physical and mental health.

What Constitutes Abuse or Inappropriate Conduct?

Sexual abuse, also referred to as molestation, is undesired sexual behavior by one person upon another. It often happens by using force or by taking advantage of another. When force is immediate, of short duration or infrequent, it is called sexual assault.

  •  Verbal abuse
  •  Inappropriate touching
  •  Requesting personal favors in exchange for "rewards"
  •  Derogatory, sexual or racist comments
  •  Unnecessarily photographing
  •  Verbal or physical threats to keep the behavior a secret.

We are here to help.

We can describe the formal measures you can take to challenge sexual assault. The problem comes when people with power don't take survivors seriously when they report sexual assault. Even when employees of institutions report that something is wrong, often the institution will move to protect its own interests and profits, at the expense of the victim's rights and safety.

A woman and a man shaking hands in an agreement

It is not acceptable and we can help make it right. If you are one of those survivors, we are here to help you.