A man looking through a window

Are you or a loved a survivor of sexual abuse by a member of a religious institution?

You may qualify for compensation if the abuser was a member of a religious institution and the institution knew (or should have known) of the abuse.

If you or someone you love is a survivor of sexual abuse, we are here to help you navigate this sensitive and complex matter.

a church building

Investigations are being conducted beyond the Catholic Church, and finding extensive abuse happening in many religious institutions.

Institutions Where Sexual Abuse Is Being Investigated

  • Catholic Church
  • Baptist Church
  • The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
  • Jehovah’s Witness

breaking news

Reports are continuing to mount that numerous Catholic priests and non-Catholic clergy across the country have sexually abused 1,000's of children.

Bishops and other leaders of the Roman Catholic Church across the country covered up child sexual abuse by hundreds of priests and clergy members over a period of 70 years, persuading survivors not to report the abuse and law enforcement not to investigate it.

100% Anonymous

If you were abused,


hands in the air
a man holding the back of hand over his mouth

Survivors of sexual assault can experience long lasting effects on both their physical and mental health.

Pattern of Cover-up and Denial of Abuse

PA Attorney General Josh Shapiro, whose office initiated an abuse investigation taking place in PA, said in a news conference, “They protected their institution at all costs. As the grand jury found, the church showed a complete disdain for survivors.”

He said that the cover-up by senior church officials “stretched in some cases all the way up to the Vatican.”

Reports are coming in from around the country, and the abuse has not been limited to the Catholic Church or to only PA.

A church

"Light at the end of the tunnel" and justice for survivors

a man sitting in a chair

Some survivors said in interviews that they were relieved to finally be heard and to have their perpetrators publicly named.

American abuse survivors have pushed for years for the government to undertake a nationwide inquiry similar to the one conducted in Australia, where a royal commission spent four years examining the sexual abuse of children by a variety of religious and civic institutions, including the Catholic Church.

Breaking News

The New York Senate has passed the Child Victims Act.

The new law does away with the statutes of limitations that have prevented some alleged abuse survivors from going to court to seek damages. And it includes a one-year “look-back window” that will allow others who weren’t able to sue in the past to file fresh claims. However, if you are under 23 years of age, upon the passing of the bill, you will have until age 55 to bring suit.

We are here to help.

Our legal team understands what sexual abuse or assault can do to someone, and we are committed to holding abusers and the institutions that protect them accountable for their actions.

If you or a loved one were subject to unwanted sexual abuse, you deserve justice, support and a chance at moving on with your life

A left hand writing next to a gavel