Zantac's Active Ingredient is Found to Increase the Risk of Cancer.

A man looking at a Zantac bottle
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FDA calls for heartburn drug Zantac to be pulled from market immediately

(CNN) The US Food and Drug Administration is requesting that manufacturers pull all prescription and over-the-counter ranitidine drugs, known by the brand name Zantac, from the market immediately.


Makers of generic Zantac (Ranitidine), Sandoz and Novartis, have issued a recall after Carcinogen concerns.

Zantac has been Found to Contain High Levels of the Cancer Causing Chemical, NDMA

Drug-safety officials are looking into whether the heartburn medication Zantac contains levels of the probable carcinogen NDMA that could pose a danger to users.

Ranitidine, as the drug is known in generic form, is an antacid and antihistamine used to treat and prevent a range of gastrointestinal disorders.

Independant Test Discovered Carcinogens

The online pharmacy, Valisure independently tested ranitidine, brand name Zantac. In a Citizen Petition to the FDA, they said that they found, “extremely high levels of NDMA, a probable human carcinogen, in every lot tested, across multiple manufacturers and dosage forms.

Zantac box

Zantac is used to treat the following conditions:

  •  Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
  •  Acid Indigestion
  •  Heart Burn
  •  Erosive Esophagitis
  •  Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome

Let Us File Your Lawsuit

Drug companies have an obligation to inform the public about any harmful side effects of drugs they create and market. When a drug maker fails to provide adequate warnings about the risks related to the use of a particular drug, it could be held liable in lawsuits for injuries and damages that may result. Let us help you get a qualified opinion on your potential Ranitidine lawsuit. We will charge no fee unless your case is successful.

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