Tea Party Strategist Niger Innis Discusses Ted Cruz and Election 2016

Tea Party Strategist Niger Innis Discusses Ted Cruz and Election 2016 on the Adam Thompson Radio Show

Roger Stone is a legendary American Republican political consultant who has played a key role in the election of Republican presidents from Richard Nixon to Ronald Reagan to George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush. Stone is the author of "The Man Who Killed Kennedy - the Case Against LBJ" (Skyhorse).

Stone has been profiled in the Weekly Standard, The New Yorker, and the Miami Herald in 2007 and 2008. Mr. Stone has written for the New York Times Sunday Magazine, The New York Times Op Ed page and for Newsmax.com. He has appeared frequently on FOX News, NBC Nightly News, CNN, MSNBC, and the Today Show. Stone is the editor and publisher of STONEzone.com.

Niger Innis currently serves as the National Spokesman for the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) and is the Chief Strategist for TheTeaParty.net. He works closely with the National Chairman and represents CORE across the United States and around the world. In addition to his role with CORE and TheTeaParty.net Mr. Innis serves in the following capacities: Co-Chairman of  the Affordable Power Alliance (APA), a coalition of Latino and African American ministerial oganizations; Senior Citizen Advocates, which fights against public policies that raise energy (and associated) costs; various Chambers of  Commerce; Advisory Committee Project 21 for the National Center for Public  Policy Research; Consultant to EEN247.com, Empowerment and Excellence cable  channel; NRA Membership Committee and NRA lifetime member.

Steve Berke / Miami, FL Mayoral Candidate & Comedian - Full Bio